
Friday, September 23, 2005

White Flour Contains Diabetes-Causing Alloxin

You may want to think twice before e
ating your next sandwich on white
bread. Studies show that alloxan, the
chemical that makes white flour look
"clean" and "beautiful," destroys the
beta cells of the pancreas. That's right;
you may be devastating your pancreas
and putting yourself at risk for diabetes,
all for the sake of eating "beautiful"
flour. Is it worth it? Scientists have
known of the alloxan-diabetes
connection for years; in fact,
researchers who are studying diabetes
commonly use the chemical to induce
the disorder in lab animals. In the
research sense, giving alloxan to an
animal is similar to injecting that
animal with a deadly virus, as both
alloxan and the virus are being used
specifically to cause illness. Every day,
consumers ingest foods made with
alloxan-contaminated flour. Would
they just as willingly consume foods
tainted with a deadly virus? Unless
they had a death wish, they probably
would not. Unfortunately, most
consumers are unaware of alloxan
and its potentially fatal link to diabetes
because these facts are not well
publicized by the food industry.

How does alloxan cause diabetes?
According to Dr. Hari Sharma's
Freedom from Disease, the uric acid
derivative initiates free radical damage
to DNA in the beta cells of the
pancreas, causing the cells to
malfunction and die. When these
beta cells fail to operate normally,
they no longer produce enough
insulin, or in other words, they
cause one variety of adult-onset
type 2 diabetes. Alloxan's harmful
effects on the pancreas are so severe
that the Textbook of Natural Medicine
calls the chemical "a potent beta-cell
toxin." However, even though the
toxic effect of alloxan is common
scientific knowledge in the research
community, the FDA still allows
companies to use it when processing
foods we ingest.

The FDA and the white flour industry
could counter-argue that, if alloxan
were to cause diabetes, a higher
proportion of Americans would be
diabetic. After all, more consumers
consume white flour on a regular
basis than are actually diabetic. This
point is valid, but it does not disprove
the alloxan-diabetes connection.
While alloxan is one cause of adult-onset
type 2 diabetes, it is of course not
the only cause. As the Textbook of
Natural Medicine states, "current
theory suggests an hereditary beta-cell
predisposition to injury coupled with
some defect in tissue regeneration
capacity" may be a key cause. For
alloxan to cause injury to an individual's
beta cells, the individual must have
the genetic susceptibility to injury.
This is similar to the connection between
high-cholesterol foods and heart disease.
Eating high-cholesterol foods causes
heart disease, especially in people who
have family histories of heart disease.
The link between alloxan and diabetes
is as clear and solid as the link between
cholesterol and heart disease.

If you've been eating white bread for
years and you have a family history of
diabetes, all hope is not lost for you.
Studies show that you can reverse the
effects of alloxan by supplementing
your diet with vitamin E. According to
Dr. Gary Null's Clinicians Handbook
of Natural Healing, vitamin E effectively
protected lab rats from the harmful
effects of administered alloxan. Now,
you're not a lab rat, but you're a
mammal and vitamin E is definitely
worth adding to your daily regimen
of nutritional supplements, especially
if you have a history of eating foods
made with white flour and are at high
risk for diabetes.

Even if you are already diabetic,
some simple changes to your diet can
help treat your diabetes. First of all,
stop eating foods made with white
flour. Even though you already have
diabetes, vitamin E supplements can
still help you, as can many common
foods. Garlic, for example, does wonders
for diabetes. As Dr. Benjamin Lau states
in his book Garlic for Health, "When
fed garlic, the rabbits' elevated blood
sugar dropped almost as much as it
did when they were given the antidiabetic
drug tolbutamide. Researchers postulated
that garlic may improve the insulin effect."

If you can't handle the taste of natural
garlic, you can take it in widely available
supplements. Aloe vera is a traditional
diabetic remedy in the Arabian Peninsula,
and its therapeutic characteristics are
now gaining worldwide acceptance in
the treatment of diabetes. According to
both human and animal research studies,
aloe vera lowers blood glucose levels by
an unknown mechanism. According to
the Clinicians Handbook of Natural
Healing, this natural hypoglycemic effect
extended over a period of 24 hours. Adding
onions to your diet (along with the garlic)
can also significantly reduce your blood
sugar level. Additionally, as Dr. Michael
T. Murray writes in The Healing Power of
Herbs, studies show that ginseng controls
glucose in both diabetic humans and
diabetic laboratory animals.

It all comes down to asking if putting
yourself at risk for diabetic coma,
blindness, limb amputation and death
is worth eating white bread. If you're
willing to risk your quality of life and
your life itself, then go ahead and eat
all the foods made with white flour you
want. However, if you want to stop poisoning
yourself with alloxan, a known toxic
chemical, then make a few simple dietary
changes. Eat groceries made with whole
-grain wheat flour, not processed white flour

Animal experiments have shown that
animals which have their Beta cells
destroyed by alloxan are able to regenerate
Beta cells after a few months when taking
GS, a herb grown in India. The Beta cell
is the cell that produces insulin. Diabetics
needing insulin treatment (Type 1) have
been able to decrease their insulin after GS
therapy. A Physicians Guide to Natural
Health Products That Work By James
Howenstine MD, page 112

In the mid-1980s, however (when herbal
remedies again were popular), pata de
vaca's continued use as a natural insulin
substitute was reiterated in two Brazilian
studies. Both studies reported in vivo
hypoglycemic actions in various animal
and human models. Chilean research in
1999 reported the actions of pata de vaca
in diabetic rats. Their study determined
that pata de vaca was found to "elicit
remarkable hypoglycemic effects," and
brought about a "decrease of glycemia in
alloxan diabetic rats by 39%." In 2002,
two in vivo studies on the blood sugar-lowering e
ffects of pata de vaca were conducted by two
separate research groups in Brazil. The first
study reported "a significant blood glucose-
lowering effect in normal and diabetic rats."...
The Healing Power of Rainforest Herbs by
Leslie Taylor, page 382

When beta cells in the pancreas fail to
secrete enough insulin, the body loses
its ability to metabolize carbohydrates
and to reduce glucose levels in the
bloodstream. Researchers believe that
some people have weak free radical defenses
in these beta cells, and that free radical
damage to DNA in beta cells, resulting in
dysfunction or cell death, helps cause
maturity-onset diabetes. It is known, for
example, that many chemicals including
alloxan, paraquat, and certain chemotherapeutic
agents can stimulate excessive production of
oxy radicals in the nuclei of beta cells.
Freedom From Disease by Hari Sharma MD,
page 94

...nearly two decades later, researchers
at RNT Medical College in India induced
diabetes in rabbits with intravenous injections
of alloxan. When fed garlic, the rabbits'
elevated blood sugar dropped almost as much
as it did when they were given the antidiabetic
drug tolbutamide. Researchers postulated
that garlic may improve the insulin effect
by either increasing the pancreatic secretion
of insulin or by releasing bound insulin.
Garlic for Health by Benjamin Lau MD PhD,
page 22

Commercial yeasted breads, even the
whole-grain varieties, often have other
problems. They typically contain flour
bleach, which forms alloxan, a compound
known to cause diabetes in animals by
destroying the beta cells of the pancreas
(Clinical Nutrition Newsletter, Dec. 1982). ...
Healing With Whole Foods by Paul Pitchford,
page 452

Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is
generally recognized to be due to an insulin
deficiency.1 Although the exact cause is
unknown, current theory suggests an
hereditary beta-cell predisposition to injury
coupled with some defect in tissue regeneration
capacity. Causes of injury are most likely
hydroxyl and other free radicals, viral infection,
and autoimmune reactions. alloxan, the uric
acid derivative used to induce experimental
diabetes in animals, is a potent beta-cell toxin,
causing destruction via hydroxyl radical
formation. Textbook of Natural Medicine
Volumes 1-2 by Joseph E Pizzorno and Michael T
Murray, page 1197

In this study, mice received intraperitoneally
melatonin in doses ranging from 100 to 450
mg/kg. Results showed that such treatment
proved plasma glucose increase due to alloxan-
induced pancreatic toxicity. The Clinicians
Handbook of Natural Healing by Gary Null PhD,
page 88

Bleached white flour. Not only have the bran
and germ been stripped away, but bleached
flour also contains a substance from the
flour bleach (alloxan) which causes diabetes
in animals. Unbleached white flour should
also be avoided since it is stripped of essential
nutrients. The Enzyme Cure by Lita Lee with
Lisa Turner & Burton Goldberg, page 123

Aloe vera also exhibits a hypoglycemic effect
in both normal and alloxan-induced diabetic
mice. A small human study shows benefit in
diabetics. Five patients with non-insulin
dependent diabetes ingested half a teaspoonful
of aloe 4 times daily for 14 weeks. Fasting blood
sugar in every patient fell from a mean of 273 to
151 mg/dl with no change in body weight. The
authors concluded that aloe lowers blood glucose
levels by an unknown mechanism.... Textbook of
Natural Medicine, volumes 1-2 by Joseph E
Pizzorno and Michael T Murray, page 587

Results of this study showed that rats given
vitamin E before being administered either
streptozotocin or alloxan provided protection
against the diabetogenic effects of each. It was
also observed that rats with a depleted antioxidant
state due to a vitamin E and selenium-deficient
diet showed increased diabetogenic susceptibility
to normally nondiabetogenic doses of streptozotocin.
The Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing by
Gary Null PhD, page 312

Noting that the dried sap of the aloe plant to
be a traditional diabetic remedy in the Arabian
peninusla, this study examined its ability to
reduce blood glucose levels in 5 non-insulin-
dependent diabetics and in Swiss albino mice
made diabetic with alloxan. Results showed
that the intake of 1/2 teaspoon of aloes daily
for 4-14 weeks significantly reduced the fasting
serum glucose level fell in all patients. Fasting
plasma glucose was significantly reduced in
diabetic mice by glibenclamide and aloes after
3 days. The Clinicians Handbook if Natural
Healing by Gary Null PhD, page 369

This study examined the effects of exudate
of Aloe barbadensis leaves (oral administration
of 500 mg/kg) and its bitter principle
(ip administration of 5 mg/kg) on plasma
glucose levels of alloxan-diabetic mice.
Results showed that the hypoglycemic
effect of a single oral dose of aloes on serum
glucose level was insignificant in while that
of the bitter principle was highly significant
and extended over a period of 24 hours. The
Clinicians Handbook of Natural Healing by
Gary Null PhD, page 369

Ginseng exerts numerous pharmacological
effects in humans and laboratory animals,
including ... improved glucose control in
humans and diabetic (alloxan-induced)
rats; The Healing Power of Herbs by
Michael T Murray ND, page 269

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

The Amazing Truth About the Sun and Your Health

You know, I've often ranted about the
benefits of sun exposure, but some people
just don't seem to listen. So, here's someone
else saying it. It's a well-written piece.
I don't agree with everything he says,
but consider it:

"I have just returned from an island
off the coast of Georgia. The island
is the easternmost piece of land in
the state of Georgia. Luckily, we stayed
just down the street from a great
breakfast dive called "The Breakfast
Club." This is a famous place and
unique in many ways including the
hours. When the chef (can you really
call a short order cook that?) decides
to close he closes. Today he closed at
12:30. Yesterday, he stayed open until
2:00. If you've ever spent much time
on an island in the semi-tropics you'll
find nooks and crannies with people
like this..."living on island time."

As this summer comes to an end and
the sunsets arrive earlier and earlier,
I am reminded about those living either
on an island or near a beach, and I truly
begin to wonder about the sun and
whether it is good for us. While walking
the beach this week, I contemplated
the hype about sunburns and skin cancer.
How much SPF was I supposed to put
on? How often? Should I really stay
completely out of the sun at noon?
When I realize how little of it makes
sense, I know its time do some more
research and then share my thoughts
with you.

If you think about it, the sun and sunlight
HAS TO BE HEALTHY for us. As it
turns out, our bodies actually use the
sunlight to produce chemicals that are
highly critical in our body's function
and our mental well-being. The sun's
ultraviolet radiation, UV for short, comes
in several different wavelengths of light.
UV-B rays, the ones thought to burn,
are the ones that trigger the production
of the major chemical so critical to our
health. The chemical is Vitamin D and
it is critical in our kidney function, bone
formation, blood pressure, immune
system function, etc...

In actuality, it is not truly a vitamin since
it can be made by human skin and thus
need not be added to our diet. In fact,
almost every cell in our body has a
receptor for Vitamin D. More importantly,
this vitamin is chemically a steroid called
cholecalciferol, (aka Vitamin D3). It is
produced in the skin and then converted
to a long-lived molecule in the liver, and
then finally into a short-lived active
molecule 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
The chemical is fat-soluble and, as such,
could be consumed and stored in the body
in excessive amounts if too much is taken
in supplement form. One of its critical
roles is in controlling the balance between
calcium, phosphorous, and bone "remodeling."
Some people think the reason fractures are
so common in the elderly is due to decreased
sunlight inside nursing homes and the hospital.
I actually agree with this idea.

But back to the issues surrounding the sun.
The hype surrounding sun and skin cancer
is remarkable. Several high profile websites
propagate the hype with phrases such as:

1. "90% of skin cancers are preventable"
2. "skin cancer is at epidemic proportions in the U.S."
3. "well-known behaviors can reduce the risk"

Shamefully, they don't tell you how good
the sun is for you or how harmful the
chemicals are they recommend using to
"prevent cancer." In fact, sunscreen does
not even protect you from the form of
skin cancer called melanoma -- the deadly
skin cancer but also the least common.
(Genetics play a huge role in this form
of cancer and paradoxically the sun may
help prevent it!)

Some of the chemicals in sunscreen include:

1. Titanium dioxide -- absorbed into the skin
--"a potential occupational carcinogen."

2. Octyl methoxycinnamate -- kills mouse
cells in much lower concentrations than
those found in sunscreen.

3. Benzophenone -- used in industrial processes
to initiate chemical reactions -- a prolific
producer of free-radicals

4. 4-methyl-benzylidene camphor (4-MBC)
--causes estrogen-like effects and
developmental effects in animals

5. Adimate-O -- is a nitrosamine, which
are major players in stomach cancers

6. Homosalate -- may cause aspirin
(salicylate) poisoning

7. Oxybenzone -- causes low sperm
counts and liver toxicity in animals

What no one tells you is that most of the
chemicals in sunscreens are as likely if not
more so to do harm to your system than
the sun itself. And the shocking news is
that melanoma (the deadly skin cancer)
is on the rise in the countries that have
been increasing their use of sunscreens.

Even more proof that sun, skin cancer,
and the hype about it is wrong can be
found if you look at states that have the
highest amount of sunlight and the highest
incidence of melanoma (or vice versa) and
guess what? The states' rankings don't
correlate with each other. For example,
Delaware, which is #3 on the highest incidence
list, gets around 100 days of sunshine per
year, whereas the #46 to #50 states (low
incidence of cancer) receive around 100
days per year as well. Clearly the
pathophysiology of skin cancer is poorly

But more importantly I want to tout the
fact that the SUN IS GOOD FOR YOU...
there are many studies showing that
exposure to the sun:

1. decreases the risk of melanoma (a paradox for many)
2. decreases the risk of colon cancer
3. decreases the risk of breast cancer
4. decreases the risk of ovarian cancer
5. decreases the risk of prostate cancer
6. decreases the risk of lymphoma
7. decreases the risk of multiple sclerosis
8. decreases depression in the winter
9. causes a regression of solar keratoses

Now having said all this... I can tell you
that if you have more than 50 moles on
your body OR the moles that you do have
are unusual in shape, size or color then
you are at much greater risk and getting
sun on those moles can trigger their
transformation to cancer. Similarly if
you are lighter skinned, red, or
blonde-haired... then you are at increased
risk (albeit small and the risk decreased
with regular exposure to the sun for short
periods of time).

What do I do?

1. I try to get some sun on my body every
day (my face is usually the most convenient
during working hours).

2. I try to not use sunscreen unless I am
going to be outside for a much longer time
than normally, for example a 3-4 hour
period. In those times, I will use an SPF4
or less to reduce my exposure to these
toxic chemicals. (The number represents
the amount of "supposed protection," the
higher the number the more chemicals)

3. I also am very careful to NOT use sunscreen
that has OMC (Octyl methoxycinnamate) --
I found a while ago that it causes a rash days
after application and also seems to make me
react to the sun with more redness than
other sunscreens.

4. Prior to any winter trip to a sunnier
climate, I will stimulate my melanin producing
cells (the ones that darken to give us a tan)
by getting sunlight on my body (see #7)
several times before going on the trip --
even if this means a few tanning-booth
sessions. (Tanning booths however don't
have the full spectrum of the suns rays,
which could be both good and bad.)

5. I am always careful to reduce the
amount of sun I get during the peak burning
times of 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., especially
if I haven't been out much in the sun. I don't
avoid this time but am just careful. For
example, I usually put my convertible top
up during this time.

6. I try and wear sunglasses and a cap to
reduce the amount of direct light to my
eyes (there is a link to cataracts and other
eye diseases), although I do make sure my
eyes get some of that healthy daytime light
by occasionally not wearing glasses during
daylight hours. The eyes are connected to
a bunch of brain structures related to sleep,
happiness, body rhythms, etc...

7. If it is the middle of winter and I'm feeling
a little blue... in the middle of the day I try
and find a nice warm brick wall, out of the
wind, and just sit and get sunlight on my
face and skin as much as possible...

It's such a simple thing that it doesn't seem
very important. But... I look for simple,
cheap, and safe things to improve the
long-term quality of my life. Sunlight is
one of those powerful healing sources.
Don't feel guilty about the sun.

Here's to our health,

Dr. David Eifrig Jr."

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Intravenous Vitamin C Kills Cancer Cells

Recall how hydrogen peroxide is poured on wounds to kill germs. Well now researchers clearly show high-dose vitamin C, when administered intravenously, can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels within cancer cells and kills them. I.V. vitamin C was also demonstrated to kill germs and may be an effective therapy for infectious disease.
With a growing body of evidence mounting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers conceded today that intravenous vitamin C may be an effective treatment for cancer. Last year the same researchers reported a similar study but the news media failed to publish it.
The latest study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms the work of Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling who conducted cancer research in the 1970s with vitamin C. Dr. Pauling's studies were discredited at the time by poorly conducted research studies at the Mayo Clinic.
Unlike cancer drugs, I.V. vitamin C selectively killed cancer cells, but not healthy cells, and showed no toxicity. The ability of intravenous vitamin C to kill lymphoma cells was remarkable almost 100% at easily achievable blood serum concentrations.
For inexplicable reasons, NIH researchers continue to maintain high-dose oral vitamin C can produce a limited increase in serum vitamin C concentrations. However, their earlier study published in 2004 clearly showed oral-dose vitamin C can achieve three times greater blood concentration than previously thought possible, a fact which negates the current Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C. [Annals Internal Medicine 140:5337, 2004] NIH researchers refuse to issue a retraction of their earlier flawed research which mistakenly claimed humans cannot benefit from high-dose oral vitamin C supplements.
The NIH also offered no explanation why it has taken 35 years to confirm the work of Dr. Linus Pauling.

Never Stop Growing

Great advice from a great guy!
I've mentioned Matt Furey before, but
I wanted to pass these along today.

Most of what we think of as health
begins -- and often ends -- with right
thinking, right attitudes.

Remember that "health" is derived
from an old English word meaning

When you're in good health, you're
"whole." I can't think of a better
way of thinking about that complex
myriad of things we call "health."

"The people I admire most have
made a fundamental choice
to live life to the fullest.
There thoughts and actions convey
a belief in the saying,
"Never Stop Growing."

Continue to learn, continue
to improve you life. Continue to
look for ways to do better
with less effort.

The other day I was talking
to Vince. I've been coaching him
to become a very prosperous
Internet entrepreneur. And the
great thing about him is that
he listens, applies himself, goes
for it and comes up looking
for something else to create.

In our conversation I told
him, "In the beginning, when
you create a business the
right way, it seems like a
lot of upfront work. At
first you may not see much
reward. Then the rewards start to
come. And once that happens,
you've got the wheel rolling."

"At first you had to create
the wheel and push the wheel.
It was hard to make the wheel
move. Then, as you got the hang
of it, you could not only push
the wheel, you could push it at a fast

"After this, you realized
that you could come up to
the wheel, give it a push
kick, and it would be good
for another 100 miles."

"Then the wheel has so much
momentum that you can give it
a push with your little finger
and it's good for a couple
hundred miles."

"Yet, the ultimate is when
you're a few thousand miles
away from the wheel, it's
still moving and all you
have to do is picture it moving and
blow a little air on it
once or twice a day."

"When you hit that level,
you'll know what Zero Resistance
Living is all about. You
will have reached mastery."

Improving your life is NOT
a one-shot deal. It's an
all-the-time deal. Yet, the
great thing is that it can
always be improved, even
with seemingly little

Once you begin to understand
the awesome power of your
imagination - that's when
life becomes truly awesome,
if not magical.

How can you grow as a person
today. Go into your mind's eye and find

There's a LOT more of YOU
that can be tapped."

Pursuing Your Dreams

"You must go after your wish. As soon as you start to pursue a dream, your life wakes up and everything has meaning."

Barbara Sher
Author of "I Could Do Anything If I Only Knew What It Was"

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Your Attitude Affects Your Health

"I think what I represent is achieving what you want in life. It's a matter of your attitude. Some people have a negative attitude, and that's their disability."

Marla Runyan
Legally Blind US 1500M Olympic Hopeful

Saturday, September 10, 2005

How to Increase Your Power in Minutes

What we imagine is what comes to us.  (Think about the word literally:
we are "image-ing" something).

This is some powerful stuff, on the power of visualizing, or
imagining from a very good man. You might want to check out what
he has to say at Matt Furey.

"You probably know what I'm talking about when
I say that everyone has had the experience of being
overwhelmed with details and distractions.

In short, you and I both know what it's like to feel
totally disorganized.

But did you know that one of the primary reasons why visualization
is so powerful is because it helps you 'organize' your mind.

When you don't take time to enter the Theatre of The Mind each
day, you may often feel like a ship in rough waters without a sail.

A few minutes in your own Theatre calms the rough waters and
gives you "ship" a destination, a port to go to. And that is precisely
waht your mind wants and needs. We are happiest and have the
greatest peace of mind when we have a goal we are focused on
and working toward.

Truth is, when you begin to get organized 'internally' your external
world begins to shape up the same way.

Energy flows most powerfully when it is organized. And when a lot
of energy is organized, LOOK out. You'll not only get things done
quickly, but you'll have power and vitality when you do those things.

On the other hand, take the disorganized mind. It has a lot of energy,
too. Yet, it has little power because none of the energy is organized.
As soon as it is ... and it only takes a few moments to get mentally
organized, a power takes root in you that literally begins to rocket
launch you toward any goal you desire.

Don't believe me. That's fine. But don't believe without experimentation.

Take a moment to think about ONE THING you'd like to do today.

Then close your eyes, do some deep breathing to relax - and mentally
picture yourself doing that ONE THING. Feel what you would feel like
if you were doing that ONE THING right now.

You don't need to spend a lot of time picturing and feeling the ONE
THING either. In fact, 30-60 seconds is more than enough time if you
do it right."

Friday, September 09, 2005

Beta-Glucan May Prevent Anthrax When Taken Orally

"In a 2002 study, a group of researchers used oral Beta Glucan to treat mice infected with Bacillus Anthracites. With the high incidence of anthrax vaccine complications, an alternative preventative approach is sorely needed to deal with this frightening disease. Non specific immune stimulation methods, such as macrophage activation would be an excellent option.

The way that anthrax works is by secreting two toxins: edema toxin and lethal toxin. The first of these stimulates an outpouring of fluid into the lungs, while the latter inhibits nuetrophil phagocytosis and triggers destructive intracellular reactions, destroying macrophage cells. This is especially threatening because of the fact that the lethal toxin prevents the macrophages from releasing their immune messengers, including TNF-alpha.

The study in question showed that orally administered Beta Glucan greatly stimulates the levels of TNF-alph released from the macrophage, which overcomes the inhibition caused by the anthrax lethal toxin. Because of this, the mice that were treated with Beta Glucan experienced a significantly higher survival rate.

Beta Glucan was also shown to stimulate the effectiveness of neutrophils. In fact, one study indicated that the efficiency of neutrophils was increased as much as 50-fold by this powerful supplement, allowing for much faster and more precise immune reactions."

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Snooze and You Lose ... Pounds, That Is

If you want to find a way to lose weight faster, and you think there is nothing new under the sun, then what I’m about to tell you will really make you nod off.

According to Dr Kenneth Goodrick at Baylor University, a good night’s sleep is a vital ingredient for weight loss.

He believes that lack of sleep robs people of the energy they need to exercise and sets up a vicious low-energy cycle that sabotages your weight loss program. Often when energy reserves are low, people turn to high-fat and high-sugar laden foods or caffeinated drinks for energy pick-me-ups…all of which interfere with weight loss efforts. Some may drink 10 to 15 caffeinated beverages a day, which has a adverse effect on sleep quality. It’s a double whammy.

This is not the only fascinating connection between sleep and weight gain. Researchers have found there are two hormones involved. Leptin, a hormone that suppresses appetite, and grehlin, which increases food intake and is thought to play a role in long-term regulation of body weight. Sleep deprivation lowers the levels of leptin and raises levels of grehlin. This is thought to be the reason why obese people suffering with sleep apnea often put on weight faster than others.

Goodrick says, “Sleep is a time for the brain, the body, and all the hormones to get regulated and restore themselves to the baseline values for the next day. If you have caffeine, or inadequate sleep, you don’t have a chance for all of those restorative processes to get finished. So you’re ending not quite fit, or metabolically where you should be”.

What is a good night’s sleep? Participants in a US study who got less than 4 hours of sleep each night were 73 percent more likely to be obese than those who sleep between 7 and 9 hours a night, the recommended amount. Those who slept only 5 hours each night were 50 percent more likely to be overweight, and those who slept 6 hours a night were 23 percent more likely to be overweight.

It’s official, for good health we all need to wake up and get a good night’s sleep.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

4 Steps to Get Rid of Bad Breath

OK, no more excuses. Here's how to stop making everyone laugh behind your back after getting a whiff of your noxious breath.

Do you secretly fear that your breath is making people gag? Well you can stop the paranoia right now. Here’s how…

Step 1: Scrape your tongue

The first source of a rotten mouth is a tongue smothered in festering bacteria. If your tongue is fuzzy white, you can bet that that layer of filth is making your breath hideous. Scrap off that white coating with a soft toothbrush or a special tongue scraper- you can get one from any drugstore.

Step 2: Gargle with diluted hydrogen peroxide twice a day

After you scrap off those bacteria, you can mix one part water with one part hydrogen peroxide and gargle with it for 45 seconds. The hydrogen peroxide gets real foamy in your mouth, but it helps to kill the excess bacteria that make your breath stink.

Don’t overdo the hydrogen peroxide though. Give yourself 2-5 day breaks from the hydrogen peroxide because too much of this solution in your mouth can decompose the enamel on your teeth.

Step 3: Eat foods that make your breath smell better

There’s a ton of food you can eat to make your breath smell better. And the fact is, you usually smell like what you’re eating. Drink teas like peppermint, Moroccan mint, jasmine, hibiscus and lemon balm to freshen up your mouth. Don’t add sugar because you’ll totally ruin the cooling effect if you do.

Add fresh foods like ginger, parsley, cilantro and scallions to your meals. Make sure these foods are not cooked. Eating them raw helps restore the natural balance of colon bacteria, which ultimately leads to fresher breath.

Step 4: Empty your colon

OK, imagine this: your colon is directly tied to your mouth. If your colon is a filthy overcrowded cesspool, your breath will stink on an astronomical scale. That’s why stinky smells either go out the anus, seep through the skin, or puff out of the mouth. Which way do you prefer?

Eating bran will help you cleanse your colon. You can also try an herbal laxative. Whatever you do, do not take drug to get regular unless your doctor tells you to. That’s because most constipation drugs make your colon weaker and less efficient at pushing out the garbage and that’s the last thing you need.

One other thing, you always want to make sure that your stinky breath is not the result of some fungi invasion. Here’s a simple fungus test that you can use at home: First thing in the morning, spit into a class of water. Don’t drink this. Let the water set for the day. If at the end of the day, you see stringy white substances in the class, you could have a fungal infection.

Now, stop making people dizzy and start making them smile with your newfound methods for fearlessly fresh breath.

Easy Weight Loss

A really easy, fast way to weight loss is walking a lot. If the other things you've tried haven't worked, or if the results aren't quite what you're looking for, try walking twice a day.

This is the time of year when walking outdoors is easier. It's usually cooler, and less humid, but not so cold as winter.

Aim for walking 2 miles a day. One mile in the morning, and one in the afternoon.

Most people are notoriously bad about mental distance measurements, so I suggest using your car to stake out a full mile.

As an alternative, use the rough rule that most healthy adults walking a fairly brisk pace will walk at 3-4 miles per hour. So if you do a fast 20 minute walk, you've probably got your time in.

20 minutes is also good because most people can get their walking in during a break at work in the morning. Even better, probably, would be walking in the early morning before the day gets going (you're more likely to get it done) but some folks have trouble fitting that in.

Either way, get a mile in during the morning. Then aim for another mile in the afternoon or evening. When walking, breathe deeply and steadily. The results will surprise you.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

New Orleans Report

I work at a hospital in southeastern NC, and one of our pathologists relocated to NO a while back. He's holed up in the Ritz Carlton on Canal street and sent this missive.

He asked if to pass it along, so here it is.

Thanks to all of you who have sent your notes of concern and your prayers. I am writing this note on Tuesday at 2 p.m.. I wanted to update all of you as to the situation here. I don't know how much information you are getting but I am certain it is more than we are getting. Be advised that almost everything I am telling you is from direct observation or rumor from reasonable sources. They are allowing limited internet access, so I hope to send this dispatch today.

Personally, my family and I are fine. My family is safe in Jackson, Miss., and I am now a temporary resident of the Ritz Carleton Hotel in New Orleans. I figured if it was my time to go, I wanted to go in a place with a good wine list. In addition, this hotel is in a very old building on Canal Street that could and did sustain little damage. Many of the other hotels sustained significant loss of windows, and we expect that many of the guests may be evacuated here.

Things were obviously bad yesterday, but they are much worse today. Overnight the water arrived. Now Canal Street (true to its origins) is indeed a canal. The first floor of all downtown buildings is underwater. I have heard that Charity Hospital and Tulane are limited in their ability to care for patients because of water. Ochsner is the only hospital that remains fully functional. However, I spoke with them today and they too are on generator and losing food and water fast.

The city now has no clean water, no sewerage system, no electricity, and no real communications. Bodies are still being recovered floating in the floods. We are worried about a cholera epidemic. Even the police are without effective communications. We have a group of armed police here with us at the hotel that is admirably trying to exert some local law enforcement. This is tough because looting is now rampant. Most of it is not malicious looting. These are poor and desperate people with no housing and no medical care and no food or water trying to take care of themselves and their families.

Unfortunately, the people are armed and dangerous. We hear gunshots frequently. Most of Canal street is occupied by armed looters who have a low threshold for discharging their weapons. We hear gunshots frequently. The looters are using makeshift boats made of pieces of styrofoam to access. We are still waiting for a significant national guard presence.

The health care situation here has dramatically worsened overnight. Many people in the hotel are elderly and small children. Many other guests have unusual diseases. ... There are (Infectious Disease) physicians in at this hotel attending an HIV confection. We have commandered the world famous French Quarter Bar to turn into an makeshift clinic. There is a team of about seven doctors and PAs and pharmacists. We anticipate that this will be the major medical facility in the central business district and French Quarter.

Our biggest adventure today was raiding the Walgreens on Canal under police escort. The pharmacy was dark and full of water. We basically scooped the entire drug sets into garbage bags and removed them. All under police excort. The looters had to be held back at gunpoint. After a dose of prophylactic Cipro I hope to be fine.

In all we are faring well. We have set up a hospital in the the French Qarter bar in the hotel, and will start admitting patients today. Many will be from the hotel, but many will not. We are anticipating dealing with multiple medical problems, medications and and acute injuries. Infection and perhaps even cholera are anticipated major problems. Food and water shortages are imminent.

The biggest question to all of us is where is the National Guard. We hear jet fignters and helicopters, but no real armed presence, and hence the rampant looting. There is no Red Cross and no Salvation Army.

In a sort of cliché way, this is an edifying experience. One is rapidly focused away from the transient and material to the bare necessities of life. It has been challenging to me to learn how to be a primary care phyisican. We are under martial law so return to our homes is impossible. I don't know how long it will be and this is my greatest fear. Despite it all, this is a soul-edifying experience. The greatest pain is to think about the loss. And how long the rebuid will take. And the horror of so many dead people . PLEASE SEND THIS DISPATCH TO ALL YOU THING MAY BE INTERSTED IN A DISPATCH from the front. I will send more according to your interest. Hopefully their collective prayers will be answered. By the way, suture packs, sterile gloves and stethoscopes will be needed as the Ritz turns into a MASH."