
Monday, July 11, 2005

Vitamins on the cheap

Despite the blitherings of politicians, your healthcare is your responsibility. One of the things I do (and encourage others to do) is to take vitamins to supplement your diet.

(I view them as cheap insurance for the times when I don't eat what I should, or to cover my bases. I think that some vitamins -- such as Vitamin C -- should be taken by everyone. Theinformation for their value is beyond question).

But vitamins can be expensive. So what to do about that?

There's a vitamin store nearby that has a bargain area in the back. I shop there. The vitamins are close to their "pull date," but never beyond it. I buy enough to use for the next month or so, and save a lot of money by doing so.

Another benefit is the ability to try out something new that you might have heard about, and want to try on the cheap. I'm using bilberry right now. It's good for your eyes (I can see a noticeable improvement in my close vision already) but I hadn't thought to try it until seeing it there.


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